Monday, March 22, 2010

Orton's Time in China

Carrie's cousin and her family got to come and visit for a week. We had only met their son before and at that time, he was only 6 months old. It was a lot of fun getting to know their kids and hanging out with them. We did lots of things, chatted about lots of topics and ate lots of great food. I'm going to post pictures and go fast and furious through the week. It's always sad to have visitors leave, but it's also fun looking back at pictures and remembering the fun we had. Thanks Ortons for hanging out with us (and by that I also mean putting up with us for 7 days).

Here we go. We:

put fire into cups and got small glass jars suctioned to our feet, set our knees on fire, got an amazing massage with wonderful friends.

We screamed, fed pigeons and mooched corn off the unsuspecting Chinese ladies.

We laughed, ran around, kicked the soccer ball and attracted a crowd.

We flew kites, drew with chalk, made new friends, and blew bubbles.

We swang the raquets, picked up the birdie and hit it maybe one time.

We ate Korean food, told stories and encouraged one another.

We metamorphisized, made sand art and saw the inside of a nose at the science museum.

We played with trucks, dressed up and had ball wars.

We read books...naked, sang songs and danced to rap music.

We made a mess that eventually turned into Chinese dumplings. We ate. It was good.

We played at a local park, walked around the lake and froze our hands off.
We took lots of pictures and had lots of pictures taken by strangers.

We introduced 3 or our children to my cousin and her family. What a blessing!

We posed, ate local snacks and peed in trash cans.

We ate at a restaraunt with 12 adults and 16 kids (all 8 and under).

We did Tae Kwan Do, learned how to do sit-ups, and ran laps outside.

And we smiled. Lots.
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