I realize that Selah's performance was a good two months ago. Let's just be glad that the post has happened, shall we? Selah has been pouring sweat and blood into her dance class for the last semester. All this was climaxed into a Chinese New Year performance. She was wonderful. She loves being on stage and especially if it means wearing sparkly costumes and pink eye shadow.

I wasn't all that excited that they did a last minute costume change from cute black satin shorts to these mini skirts. But, what's a mom to do at that point?

It was a modern dance class that involved hat tossing, hip shaking and stage stomping. It was fast and really fun. The girls worked hard the entire semester to learn the routine.

Most of the other performances were rousing nationalism routines. My daughter's was an unabashed expression of modern dance. I'm sure they thought that my American daughter felt right at home shaking her hips up on stage. They all think that we Americans live out a 90210 type reality.

During the intermission, they played a game of musical chairs. Charis and Malachi volunteered to play. Honestly, I was little nervous because I wasn't sure that they knew how to play. But, they caught on quickly and Charis took 3rd place. Malachi was out in the first round, but was given much applause after his interview with the MC.

Most events my children attend end with them being interviewed.

Here a few of the more traditional routines. Lots of saluting and admiring of various military regimes. You know, your normal childhood type performances.

Then, it was Brad's turn in musical chairs. If you know my husband at all, you also know that he was not leaving that stage with any other title than 'Champion'. He picked up his chair and walked around the circle with it and elicited many laughs. There were also several occasions where petite little Chinese women ended up on the floor. But, they weren't all hubs' fault. Maybe just one or two.
And then, there was the interview.

We were proud of all the girls. Happy late Chinese New Year!