Sunday, September 07, 2008

I am the Bread of Life

I'm studying the many ways that Jesus is the "I am".  

*I am the Bread of Life
*I am the Light of the World
*I am the Good Shepherd
*I am the Door for my sheep
*I am the Resurrection and the Life
*I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
*I am the Vine

There are many of them in Scripture.  But today I have been overwhelmed at Jesus' statement that He is "The Bread of Life"

Sometimes my world is so muddled that I continually make side things my main things.  Somewhere in life, I taste side dishes and decide to camp there instead of enjoying "The Bread of Life" who promises that once we taste of Him, we will never go hungry.  

In this, Jesus declares over our lives that HE is all-sufficient.  He is not lacking in ANYTHING.  But yet, I get distracted with trusting the temporary.  I foolishly think that I can control my day to day and I remove my grasp of Him being all-sufficient.  

My life in Christ is abundantly joyful and full of purpose.  I get so frustrated with myself when I allow the lie of self-sufficiency creep in and take up living space in my mind.  My friend who just left my home, is desperate to know about these truths.  She has recently quit her job in search for something.  She spoils her little girl in empty hopes.  But her wandering eyes are also starting to search for the ultimate "I am".  It has been a fresh reminder for me today that He is complete.  And to rest in that alone.

Which "I am" is hitting home today?  Which one have you been missing?

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