America, America, you've brought many things
from donuts and pizza and new songs my kids sing
No longer the Chinese anthem in a red scarved sea,
But, "doncha wish your girlfriend was hot like me"
Walmart and Redbox for movies and treats.
Finding the toilet instead of peeing on streets.
Running and jumping barefoot and outside.
Kids streaking the front lawn with glory and pride.
Ordering pepperoni pizza without having to explain
"add the pepperoni to cheese that originally was plain."
Chips, salsa and cheese til I ache
"But I won't eat this in China!" is the excuse that I'll take.
Car rides with heat and a radio inside,
to drive and shuttle and sometimes just hide.
With all of the fun and all of the joys;
it's time for us to head to the motherland of noise.
It's time to eat veggies and wash our feet;
from the grime and the stories our legs will soon meet.
God has a journey for our family to learn
how to trust and have hearts that will long and yearn
to depend on Him and listen for His voice;
treading the unfamiliar, but given a choice.
Seek out the Lord until He answers my pleas
fight for joy and fight on my knees.
He is reminding me daily of our calling and love
for Him and the people living below and above.