Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house
all our creatures were stirring much louder than a mouse.
We ate Chinese hot pot with my uncle and aunt
with cabbage and noodles and an Obama rant.
We grabbed some friends and hopped in the car
to the Blue Bell factory that wasn't too far.
We saw the machines and the workers galore
then we ate lots of ice cream, left us all wanting more.
People thought it was field trip, but I must declare
we are one little family, no reason to stare.
All the kids got along, not a complaint did they mutter
Like Helen Hunt in Twister, she grabbed onto an udder.
The kids all waited impatiently for
the guy to scoop their servings and then asked for more.

Then we grabbed some friends and headed down
to eat Ethiopian food on the north side of town.
Makaria ate the injera until
her face was all stuffed and she wouldn't sit still.
All the kids loved the food and the place
where the waiters all had Ethiopian faces.
We are thankful for friends who understand
our family, our lives and the values we command.
Next, it was time for the craft that Charis did make
A pig pinanta for all the giggling kids to break.
Cinnamon rolls on Christmas Eve morn
with red and green frosting and waistlines all torn.

We got dressed in our fancy clothes to prepare
to head to a nursing home and share.
the Christmas story and a few songs
cookies and laughter to remind them they belong.

I love the old Vern who sang out in the middle
of our O Holy Night, it made us all giggle.
What a blessing it was to love on those people
it was worship without a pew or a steeple.
That night our family came over and ate
a big honkin' dinner and stayed up late.
We put props in a bag for skits to perform
pimp hats and stool pigeons our plays did adorn.
Christmas day came and we all shared
our gifts to the nations, nothing could compare.
This year we forsook gifts and instead did give
money to places where others did live.
Providing goats for farmers and formula for babies,
change in the Middle East and resources for ladies.
Later that day in a Texan like way
we hopped in the spa and finished off the day.
I'm grateful for a Christmas this year
that brought others joy and wiped away tears.
Jesus is good and He is our Lord,
the joy He has given, no one could afford.