Friday, August 21, 2009

In a funk

I'm in a funk today. Not sure why, just am. You even have those days that you just want to hide in a closet and watch movies, read, take a bath and nap all day. Today is one of those days. But life isn't affording me the ability to do that. I was reminded of Psalm 105 yesterday "Seek the Lord and his strength. Seek His presence continually." I have said that verse over and over the last two days. Apart from the Lord, I simply can't do life. Thank you Lord for your strength, hope and presence.

I'm also trying to remind myself that the Lord never promised life to be easy. So I need to have joy in my day, regardless of my circumstances. It's been a rough couple of months. And honestly, we wake up each morning ready for some sort of emergency. Brad and I both commented today at how it seems that every day there is some huge problem that needs to be solved. Today, Charis threw up and is sick. Yesterday, Brad's bike fell apart while riding in traffic. The list goes on and on. It's actually teetering ont he bizarre side.

Ok, enough rambling for now. 'Seek the Lord and his strength. Seek his presence continually'
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