Thursday, April 10, 2008

Simple Pleasures Time

To try and counteract my frustration blog of a few days ago, today I came up with some 'Simple Pleasures' I get to have by living here. It's good timing, because my husband is gone this week and returns for 24 hours and leaves for a few more days, so trying to stay positive is a good thing. Actually, my time with the kids has been great. Ok, ok, I'll call this one 'Simple Pleasures of the Motherland':

1. Buying strawberries that were literally picked that morning. And then paying $2 for 2 pounds.

2. Watching my kids play outside with friends.

3. Listening to my kids build boats out of yogurt boxes because their toy supply is limited. Their creativity has been a blessing to watch.

4. Eating vegetables at almost every meal.

5. Having the store ladies tell me I'm too skinny. :) I think they expect me to be huge because of the 4 kid thing.

6. Buying food, socks, plungers, and blankets, all from street vendors.

7. Flying kites in the Spring time.

8. Surprising people when they discover I can speak Chinese. Sometimes I wait to reveal this information so that I can eavesdrop.

9. Breaking the stereotypes of what they think of as 'American'.

10. Hosting these 4 sweet girls everyday during their rest from school. And occasionally a random grandma and her grandkid.

Many days are hard, but I wouldn't trade anything (ok, maybe there are a few things :) ). He is Good.
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