Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Redefining Home: Squatty Potties, Split Pants, and Other Things that Divide my World

Well, the book is officially out! It just got uploaded to Amazon and Barnes and Noble this week. The Kindle versions will take another week or two. I'm going to have a giveaway once the Kindle version is uploaded. In case you missed the summary, here it is.

I've decided to give you a sneak peek at the Table of Contents too:

Who we are

Our American Culture Shock

Moving in with Uncle Sam

Transition and Moist: Two Words I Hate

Letting the Dust Settle

Squatty Potties and Other Realities

Family Ties

Rescuing the Holidays

Your Day Tomorrow

In the next week, I'm also going to include a "How the heck did you have time to write a book" blog. 

I've set up Twitter and a FB page if you want to follow along:

Twitter: @carrieahudson

FB Page: Carrie Anne Hudson
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