Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Graceful Glimpse into God's Heart

I love when God gives us a peak into His heart. Last month, we received our referral for our baby girl. For those of you unfamiliar with adoption, it's like the day you find out you are pregnant. There are joy, tears and a sense of being overwhelmed that all happen simultaneously. With the referral, we get a picture. I can't post it yet, but she's a cutie.

So a while ago, I'm sitting in a corporate setting and experiencing the grace of worshipping with many saints. That's something my soul longs for here-corporate worship through song and prayer. I miss it dearly. So I'm sitting, listening, pleading with God, singing, and just loving Jesus. All of the sudden, the picture of our little girl goes reeling through my mind over and over again. She's sitting in Ethiopia....just waiting. We are her parents, but she has no idea, no concept and no way of finding us on her own. She can't up and walk out of her orphanage. She can't just escape her situation. She can't save herself. I get overwhelmed just reminiscing this day. So God gave me this picture of her to remind me that this was EXACTLY who I was before Jesus came in a saved me. He rescued me from myself. He rescued me from my ungodly future. I was sitting there, not realizing I needed saving. I couldn't save myself. I couldn't pull myself up by my bootstraps. I couldn't earn my way to salvation. Just as our baby girl. She can't earn her way into our family. She can't do a thing, until we go and GET her.

About 12 years ago, God came and GOT me. He captured my heart, my soul, my future. And now I am HIs-forever. There is not a thing that our kids can do to separate us from them. Just as it is promised to God's children "nothing can separate you from the love of God." But first, we have to be His child.

I love when God gives us an overwhelming sense of who He is. I cannot imagine that day when I stand before Him in all His glory. That 15 minutes of insight was almost more than my soul could take. Thank you Lord for small glimpses and large Graces.
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