Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Malachi's 5th

We celebrated Malachi's 5th Birthday last night!! Wow, time flies.

He loves math, reading, green pea ice cream, pizza, seaweed and garlic salad, green beans, climbing trees, corn ice cream, playing with brother and sisters, going to school, transformers, wrestling and lots more. He's pretty much into all things boy. He's a wonderful big brother and is really excited for the new baby to come, because "I want to see her skin."

We went downtown to have some pizza and celebrate.

Selah has learned this instrument at school and Malachi has fallen in love with it. So we got him one for his birthday. You have to blow in it in order for it to play. He's always hearing a beat and has picked it up really quickly.

Selah wrote him a story about Transformers. It was really cute.

Selah is yelling at him "SAY POOP!" in this picture...hence his expression. I don't know if he's reacting to her words or to the fact that he's allowed to say the word 'poop'.

We had a great time celebrating with our little buddy! We're going to do a little more celebrating in a few weeks with some friends. But we always do our family celebration and dinner on the date of their birthday.

Happy Birthday and we love you!!
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