A few months ago, Selah felt called to give her life over to Jesus. She's been wanting to get baptized for awhile now, but we wanted to wait a little bit while her decision settled. We don't feel like Scripture teaches pre-conversion baptism, so we wanted to wait until we saw her life and heart's affections changing. We had some Americans over to eat and then had a small ceremony. Don't mind the mess on her clothes, it was part of our potluck. :) One of our American friends also decided to get baptized. He wanted to have a post conversion baptism, so we did both he and Selah on the same night. Here she is giving her testimony. She did a fantastic job!

What a blessing that in the same year, Brad has gotten to deliver our 4th baby (he literally caught him) and baptize our oldest daughter.

When Brad asked the group if anyone had any questions, Malachi jumped in and asked Selah "Do you believe that God is strong?" And he asked the other guy "Do you believe God is good?"

The Lord has been abundantly good to us. We are seeing Him grow our kids more and more each day. Selah, we love you and are praying for your walk with the Lord to continue in richness and covered in His mercy!