Thursday, February 25, 2010


I will tell you that there are days where the "inner me" feels a lot like 'Trinity' from The Matrix. I lay in my warm, comfortable bed, with the call of devos, prayer, and eventually the needs of my children shouting in my ear "GET.UP.CARRIE." I have found myself actually quoting that line from The Matrix.. "GET.UP.TRINITY." Seriously.

I picture myself laying at the bottom of the stairs with over sized guns in my hands and urging myself to get up. Sometimes it works.

But there are other times where my day feels more like this lovely specimen of grandmahood. Slow to get going. Wondering if the 'Price is Right' will be motivating enough to get me out of bed in the morning. On those days, I want the world to function without me. I want someone to come and take my arm, pull me out of bed and give me hope that not only will today not air a rerun of "The Price is Right," but that today will have many graces and wonderful treasures to discover from the Lord.

There are two verses that recently have been helping me get up and get going in the morning.

Psalm 90:14 "Satisfy me with your steadfast love in the morning so that we may rejoice and be glad all our days."

The other one I read this morning comes from Isaiah 33:2 "O LORD, be gracious to us; we wait for you. Be our arm every morning, our salvation in the time of trouble."

On the mornings that I allow these two verses to penetrate my mind, I feel like this wonderfully equipped lady here. I realize my utter inadequacy to make my day worthwhile. But I feel equipped to get up and tackle the needs of my family and community at large. And it's not because I am chanting over and over again "GET.UP.CARRIE". It's quite the opposite. It's because I serve a God who has promised to be my "arm every morning" and my satisfying love everyday.

And it's for those reasons that I can live like this:

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