Here's the gang with tables set up in the hallway of their dorms.

Charis spent the first hour like this. She doesn't like white people. No joke. So she was scared of everyone....except for the one black teacher we have in the city. Charis likes her. After an hour, she took her coat off and we coaxed her to sit with Brad and I.

Kesed spent his dinner being fed by a friend. They sat and talked and played and ate. It was funny because about 30 minutes after eating, I see our friend holding Kesed by his thighs and waiting. He finally asked me how Kesed was going to go to the bathroom, because he had normal pants on (no split pants). I told him that he had on a diaper. I explained that he didn't need to hold him up (right next to the dinner table, by the way) waiting for Kesed to go to the bathroom. This is the way all Chinese parents do it, I just forgot to tell our friend Kesed had a diaper on. It was funny.

Malachi spent his after dinner hours at a dance party. He was in the center the ENTIRE time. He actually had some good moves. This kid cannot stand being still if there is a beat to be heard. It's so funny to watch his shoulders start moving. Then the head gets going. It's as if he's going to bust out of his skin if he doesn't dance.

Here's Selah playing guitar with a friend. They were singing "Great is Thy Faithfulness when I walked in. She loves playing any type of instrument. We had a blast.