The Apostle John obviously had a very close, personal relationship with John. He was the disciple whom Jesus loved who laid on Jesus' chest at the Lord's supper, one of the three closest disciples. This language of having "personal relationship" with Jesus is the centerpiece of modern evangelicalism. Notice what happens in Revelation 1:17, when John sees Jesus:
"When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead."
Having a "personal relationship" with Jesus is no casual matter that is in anyway conducive to habit, trivialities, or apathy. To fall on our faces as though dead means we're doing something far more weighty and pregnant with meaning than catching up on to-dos, blog and email, or watching the latest news report or TV episode, or whatever other seemingly important thing we have to do each day.
We're compelled to ask ourselves, "Do I [practically speaking] regard my 'personal relationship with Jesus' with this sort of trembling and single mindedness?"