Here's Malachi on his first day of school. He was all smiles until we actually got inside. He's still having a hard time, but it's much better. The first day I asked him "did you play with any friends?" He replied "no." I asked "why not?!" And he proceeded to tell me that he "didn't want to, I love me!"

Charis is helping us get organized in our new apartment! We are still getting settled, but here's a sneak peak at it so far. We're on the first floor and have really enjoyed it. We get tons of ahhhs and oohhhs at the number of children we have, but it's fun.

This view above is as if you walked in our door and are walking down the hallway. Living room on the left and dining/kitchen on the right.

This is our dining room/homeschooling area.

This is the bathroom/laundry room. Things are very efficient here. I've always loved the bathroom/laundry room concept!

We've got more, but by this time we realize that the apt. pictures are a little boring. So we added one with the kids. That's really the only pictures people want to see anyhow :)

This last one is the living room. We feel like we're finally getting settled. I, Carrie, was able to actually cook a Western meal for the family. Hamburgers!! We have a May holiday coming up where we will attend a friends wedding. Selah and Malachi will be in it, but we are not really sure what that will mean. We'll let you know!