Malachi and Brad with Scooby at the Wed. night inflation.
The kids thought the balloons were so great and even bigger than our apartment!

So it rained ALL day on Thursday! We got there at 8:45, which was about 3 hours later than the people directly in front of us. And then the people around us saw that the kids were with us and they let Brad, Selah and Malachi up to the FRONT row in Times Square. The parade started at 9 am with clowns, bands and the huge balloons. The kids really liked the princesses, Dora the Explorer, SpongeBob and the Sesame Street float.
Here's our view of the parade. We had the best seats in the house, except for the hooked up kids sitting warm and dry in the MTV studios directly across from us.

We then trekked through soggy NYC to FAO Schwartz. This is a great toy store. It's the one with the big piano from the movie BIG with Tom Hanks. The kids got to play on the piano, work thomas trains, hang with life size lego creatures and gaze admiringly at all the toys. Malachi is really into Batman for the moment. So here we are with a lego life size replica.