Sunday, March 06, 2011

Crashing Their Party

Well, we leave for China today. As you read this, we'll be hunting for a Starbucks in the airport for our game day drink. As we have gotten ready these past few weeks, I've taken a few pictures of my sweet kids and their Mimi and Grandpa.

My parents have allowed us to collide into their lives, break lamps, destroy toys, ruin furniture, eat at Chic-Fil-A an ungodly amount of times, and remove all sense of routine and serenity that resided here before we came. And they did it with much love, compassion and grace.

They have taught our kids how to explore, do woodworking, trim peach trees, have lizards as pets, use an ipad, play Scrabble, and about a million other wonderful grandparenty things. Our kids have loved every minute of their time here.

And the most wonderful thing they have done is give our kids a bigger sense of identity. They all have a more vast and beautiful picture of family. They have seen my parents sacrifice their time and resources to help our family.

These lessons aren't taught to kids. These are the things that are observed and internalized.

Living together for almost 8 months can be tough. But honestly, Brad and I have felt loved, supported, and respected as we try and figure out how to parent.

There has been a lot of laughing,


and investing in our children.

I am thankful to Jesus for their lives and their love. We will get the green beans ready for your next trip to the Motherland.

We love you guys!
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