Monday, June 29, 2009

About to Head to Ethiopia!

I feel like I should write some wonderfully insightful post on adoption. But I'm drained.

We are just days away from leaving to fly out to Ethiopia. We are also in the middle of moving. But I just can't stop thinking of next Monday, when the pictures we have been staring at for 6 months jump off the paper and into our arms. I'm getting to the "I wonder if she'll scream her head off for the first 5 days?" phase. I keep wondering what in the world she must be thinking. The fear she will be feeling and the joy we won't be able to express. All of the paperwork and phone calls and crazy time lines are all have an end. And we're almost at that end. It's surreal.

Internet might be a sketchy while we're there, so we don't know when we'll get pictures up. Please pray for our kiddos here and our sweet friend DY who is taking care of them all week. All the kids are excited because when DY comes over, it's "party time!" It will be hard to be gone from them that long, but we are all so excited that this day is actually arriving.

I realize this was not the most inspiring of posts. But I did just spell check it, and at least there were no misspellings. Gotta take the victories when you see them.
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